Preparing for the Bottom of the World – Antarctica Entry 3 by Cindy Goeddel
The Value of Preparing a Shot List for Wildlife Photography
I don’t believe in luck.
If I wish someone luck on a test, what I am really saying is “I hope you prepared for it in advance and studied hard”. Luck is not why people are lucky, the luckiest people are the ones who are willing to put in the hard work and are committed to the practice and mastery of their craft.
When I take the time to do the research, to plan, to prepare and to practice techniques in advance of a photography assignment, (weather permitting) the result is great photos.
My departure for Antarctica, South Georgia Island and the Falkland Islands is two days away; absolutely cannot wait! But because this is such a rare opportunity, and I want to fully understand and optimize every photographic opportunity, I am working hard and studying. I have created a shot list for every stop on our itinerary. I am highlighting the wildlife that is rare and that might only be found in that one remote location. No second chances, no do-overs and, as someone else is setting my schedule, I can’t stay as long as I normally like on the location. I need to be efficient with every opportunity that I am blessed with. I am preparing, planning and listing to increase my odds of not missing anything.
A shot list helps me to know what to expect, what to look for and how to prioritize my time. In short, it is a checklist of my photographic goals.
My general shot list for each location includes:
Establishing shot – provides an overview of the setting and identifies location.
Ship – the journey.
Scale/people (if I must).
Target Wildlife I want to photograph.
Wildlife Behavior I want to document.
Rare Species I want to photograph.
Action – Blazing is Amazing!
Gesture – Intimate Wins.
I can’t wait to get started, and I can’t wait to share the whole thing with you! Check back here often, and let’s connect on Instagram (make this a link) for regular updates.
BTW pictured is a first edition ‘Endurance’, Shackleton’s incredible journey © Alfred Lansing ,1959. The year I was born, given to me in 2010 by my Dad, following the death of my Mom. Inscription from Dad, “Cindy – A great read we both enjoyed. Love, Dad Jan 2010”. I hope to make them both proud.